Currently our speciality is the use of BIM system. We count on great professionals with a large experience in the implementation of this work and management system in different architecture and engineering studios. We have worked both national and internationally, primarily with Australia. We give a collaboration, consultancy and assistance service within the work system.
Architecture is our purpose. The business model focuses in Architecture and we don’t look for creating an ordinary product but a 3.0 one, as you can uinterpret in our services offer. We put forward a well-managed architecture, with the best tools and systems, and always looking for an eco-friendly and environmentally beneficial design.
One of the company’s personal brands is the eco-design implementation and Passivhaus standards in our architecture projects. From Bigalbi we believe our architecture must go beyond and look for the maximum efficiency and energetic porfitability always looking after our clients’ interests. Therefore we will soon have ISO 14001 and 14003 certifications in order to assure that our company is fully engaged with eco-design and sustainability.
PMI certified professionals seeking to improve the organisation, construction and control of projects throught Management. We are currently implementing ISO 9001 and an Atlassian’s online integrated management tool, in order to get certified and prove not only that we believe in our projects’ management but also that all our work is fully based in these management standards.
Inside the architecture field, we have participated in multidisciplinary work teams and thanks to that we have been fortunate to collaborate and work in interior design projects in depth. We enjoy developing integral projects adding our own signature to their interior design.
As we have previously stated, we are an Architecture studio 3.0. We take advantage of the cutting edge technolgy in Architecture and that includes computer design and display. Inside our team we count on different disciplines professionals capable of generating virtual images, animations, virtual reality, parametric design…